Tag: California

  • Top Tips for Visiting Manzanar National Historic Site

    Top Tips for Visiting Manzanar National Historic Site

    For travelers on eastern California’s Highway 395, Manzanar National Historic Site provides a crucial look into what happens when nationalism goes so far that it contradicts the nation’s founding principles. Once an internment camp and now a nationally-protected educational site catering to tour groups and road trippers, at Manzanar we explore liberty and justice deprived…

  • Hiking and Road Tripping Hwy 395 Along the Eastern Sierras (Part I)

    Hiking and Road Tripping Hwy 395 Along the Eastern Sierras (Part I)

    Any solo female traveler can tell you, it’s easy to fall in love on the road. Maybe with a sexy stranger, maybe with the #2 combo at a roadside burger stand, maybe with a whole new city. Yes, it’s easy to fall in love ON the road, but traveling on Highway 395 in eastern California…

  • Drive Across California for a Tree, Plus Twenty-Nine

    Drive Across California for a Tree, Plus Twenty-Nine

    Looking at the map, it’s easy to see that there are many natural spaces close to San Diego like Anza-Borrego or Torrey Pines State Parks. But since it was National Parks Week, I chose Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) for my Spring in SoCal Roadtrip, a three and a half hour drive from where I was in…

  • Only Sort of Solo in San Diego

    Only Sort of Solo in San Diego

    One of the secrets of solo travel is that you rarely have to be solo. While you might choose to book the trip or literally do the traveling part alone, it seems rare to be all alone on a trip unless you choose to be. For example, I recently took a solo trip to San…