Tag: Family

  • Only Sort of Solo in San Diego

    Only Sort of Solo in San Diego

    One of the secrets of solo travel is that you rarely have to be solo. While you might choose to book the trip or literally do the traveling part alone, it seems rare to be all alone on a trip unless you choose to be. For example, I recently took a solo trip to San…

  • Five Years and One Day

    Five Years and One Day

    It’s been five years since my first solo trip. It was my dream to go to Machu Picchu, so I went. Well, first I went to Houston, Lima, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo and Aguas Calientes. But then I finally made it to the ancient Incan ruins of Machu Picchu. It was everything I hoped it would be…

  • 8 Guys You’ll Meet as a Backpacker and What You Can Learn From Them

    8 Guys You’ll Meet as a Backpacker and What You Can Learn From Them

    There was a time when I’d walk to Winnemucca, hula-hoop through Honduras and kayak to Kenya to find The One. Globe-trotting romances are often fleeting, but they can still enhance your own world. Whether you’re packing a bag right now or just dreaming of international budget travel, here is a sampling of men you’ll meet…

  • Road Trip: Priceless Cash

    Road Trip: Priceless Cash

    Visiting the Boyhood Home of Johnny Cash Driving west to Colorado from Tennessee, it would have made sense to take I-40 through Memphis. However, a nagging voice in my head (traveler’s intuition) told me to save Memphis for another time, hopefully when I have a travel buddy. I zoomed waaaaay in on the map to…

  • Completing Your Bucket List When Someone Kicks the Bucket

    Completing Your Bucket List When Someone Kicks the Bucket

    When thinking of all the things that could go wrong on your next vacation, you might not have considered what to do if someone special at home dies while you are away. I’m here to ruin that for you by bringing up this sad, sensitive yet sensible topic. It was just after 3:30 AM, and…